Tired of obstacles to mobility in the United States, Harvard Business School professor and seasonal Edgartown resident Rosabeth Moss Kanter decided to take matters into her own hands with her new book, Move: Putting America’s Infrastructure Back in the Lead.

“If there is one thing that brings Vineyarders together, male and female, rich and not-so rich, across ethnic and social lines, it is and has been basketball. That is Martha’s Vineyard’s best-kept secret.”

David McCullough, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and longtime resident of West Tisbury, has long been fascinated with mechanical flight. His newest book, to be released Tuesday, tells the story of Wright Brothers, a lesson in self-reliance, perseverance, family values and hard work.


When I read recently in the New York Times about the possibility of Scotland exiting the United Kingdom, I was confused. I had no idea Great Britain had nationality problems.

Windswept, a new novel by Kate Hancock, opens with the story of Josiah Cook, a farmer on Chappaquiddick who in the late 18th century witnesses pirates burying treasure on the beach.

Shirley Mayhew’s affectionate recollections of West Tisbury chronicle the years from 1947, when she arrived as a bride to a community of 239 residents, to 2013, when the book was written.
