Interviews with Islanders this week following the death of David McCullough on Sunday at the age of 89 reveal a man who cared deeply about those he knew well and those he did not know at all.
David McCullough, a towering force in American literature and biography, winner of the President’s Medal of Freedom, two Pulitzer Prizes and two National Book Awards, died on August 7.
A man, 85 years old with far more than a century of stories to tell, walked toward a small shed behind his humble, white-shingled house on Music street. David McCullough had another story to tell.
History, I like to think, is a larger way of looking at life. It is a source of strength, of inspiration. It is about who we are and what we stand for.
More than 100 people gathered in the West Tisbury Grange Hall on Tuesday to hear David McCullough talk about his new book, The Wright Brothers. Tickets sold for $100, with all profits going to the West Tisbury Library.