A delivery truck headed down-Island on State Road in Vineyard Haven crashed and went into a ditch when the brakes failed just before noon on Friday, spilling water bottles and Pepsi products into bordering woods.
A 33-year-old Boston woman is facing motor vehicle charges after she drove her car through a plate glass window at Edgartown Meat and Fish Monday night.
A Vineyard Haven woman is facing drunk driving charges following a one-car crash in Oak Bluffs early Thursday morning.
A West Tisbury man is facing drunk driving charges after a two-car accident on Pilgrim Road in Edgartown early Sunday.
A stretch of Barnes Road in Oak Bluffs has reopened after a one-vehicle accident snapped a utility pole late Saturday afternoon.
West Tisbury EMS responded to a morning accident on the Edgartown-West Tisbury Road after two pickup trucks collided.