Katie Carroll
Positive reflections as the old year wanes.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Ariana Feldberg spotted a muskrat swimming in Turtle Pond the other day.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Welcome, new puppies.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Memorial Day weekend is upon us.
Chilmark Town Column


Let's all shout out a big round of applause followed by a congratulatory pat on the back in recognition of our town clerk Jennifer Christy.


Memorial Day weekend is upon us.

The Chilmark School Class of 2014 included Brooks Carroll, Noah Glasgow, Menasha Leport, Kiera McCarthy, Fynn Monahan, Imogen Taylor and Bella Thorpe.

Their last in-person visit was Christmas 2019, but after a year and a half brother and sister were reunited.

The Maypole dance is not only a highlight, it is a right of passage for students at the Chilmark School. They practice for months, first without ribbons but always with eager anticipation of May Day.

I receive texts, emails and the occasional snail mail from friends pretty regularly.
