A stormwater infrastructure project being installed beneath Grove avenue in Vineyard Haven could be a blueprint for projects across the Island and a critical tool for local stormwater planning.
A recent lawsuit filed by Chappaquiddick seasonal residents John Bretl and Jennifer Kumpitch Bretl seeks to call the Edgartown zoning board’s bluff.
As Aquinnah’s annual town meeting in May approaches, the select board continued to hear requests for warrant articles at its meeting Tuesday.
Several municipal heating, ventilation and air conditioning projects on the Island that have ballooned in price recently, driven up as towns look to replace aging equipment but have no on-Island specialists to carry out such large jobs.
According to a statement from the town, the road will be down to one lane for part of the way from the drawbridge to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
The addition of plastic trim at the oldest retail store on Martha’s Vineyard has officials in West Tisbury questioning whether they should allow new modern construction materials on historic buildings.