Cronig’s Market will remain shuttered until at least Thursday, after a cluster of ten cases have now been identified in store employees, owner Steve Bernier said Monday.
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital reported five new Covid-19 cases on Friday, capping a two week period in which the Island has seen 33 new cases and public health officials have urged vigilance.
The all-Island committee voted Thursday to authorize a new school-wide testing plan, unanimously backing a draft of the program while deferring the question of funding to local district committees.
A student at the Tisbury School has tested positive for Covid-19, Tisbury health agent Maura Valley confirmed Friday. School superintendent Matt D'Andrea wrote that an individual had tested positive in an earlier letter to parents.
The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital reported three new coronavirus patients Thursday, continuing a marked rise in cases that the Island has seen over the past two weeks.
Three new coronavirus cases were reported by Martha’s Vineyard Hospital early Wednesday morning as an Island case surge that began early last week continues. TestMV reported a fourth case later in the day.