Built when Ulysses S. Grant was president, the Dukes County Jail – which doubles as a county lockup for up to 800 arrestees each year – is marking its 150th year with critical needs for both capital and operational funding.
Built when Ulysses S. Grant was president, the Dukes County Jail – which doubles as a county lockup for up to 800 arrestees each year – is marking its 150th year with critical needs for both capital and operational funding.
The funding is the first of four planned allocations totaling $6 million from the Massachusetts 5-year Capital Investment Plan for repair and replacement of the 1873 regional jail and lockup facility in Edgartown.
Angus McCoubrey started his vacation in Chilmark last week much as he has for the last 30 years visiting the Island, relaxing and going to the beach. An arrest based on a typo and a two-night stay in jail without possibility of bail or a hearing quickly turned that peaceful few days into a nightmare.