Holly Higinbotham
One shopkeeper says she senses more enthusiasm and gaiety among shoppers, and a local innkeeper appreciates the way people don’t seem to be rushing through the holidays.


A musical festival concept that has caught on in places across New England is coming to Martha’s Vineyard for the first time next month. 


The Edgartown Board of Trade elected three new board members on Wednesday.


Downtown Edgartown began looking a bit like Christmas weeks ago when wreathlike green loops appeared on the white picket fences at Hob Knob Inn and Tomassian & Tomassian law offices. Soon after, Santa began standing sentry in faux Doc Martens by Edgartown Hardware and evergreen spriggery sprouted in Soigne’s windows.


People visiting the village of Edgartown this weekend may feel as if they’ve stepped through a magic portal into a world of Christmas past that is one part Charles Dickens novel and one part Frank Capra movie.

With the return of Christmas in Edgartown, a longtime tradition that had largely faded until recently, there will be children jingle-belling, marshmallows for toasting and much mistletoe-ing.

So be of good cheer — because as organizers of the holiday extravaganza will tell you, this truly is the most wonderful time of the year.


Main Street Campaign Begins in Edgartown


A group of Edgartown business owners have launched an ambitious
campaign to revitalize the heart of downtown, from voluntary facade
improvements to strolling a capella singers to the return of Christmas
in Edgartown.


One shopkeeper says she senses more enthusiasm and gaiety among shoppers, and a local innkeeper appreciates the way people don’t seem to be rushing through the holidays. Interspersing shopping with caroling, tree lighting and concerts is what the Old Fashioned Christmas in Edgartown  program is all about, and organizer Fred Hurley reports that attendance at these events has been steady.