David Capato, who was arraigned last week after allegedly claiming he had explosives at the Steamship Authority terminal, was transferred from the Dukes County jail to Bridgewater State Hospital.
David Capato, who was arraigned last week after allegedly claiming he had explosives at the Steamship Authority terminal, was transferred from the Dukes County jail to Bridgewater State Hospital.
Tisbury police arrested David Capato, 56, and he was charged in Edgartown District Court on Thursday on terrorism and firearm charges.
Eric Johnson, 25, is facing about 80 charges after he was arrested at his Tisbury residence last week.
The new court for people dealing with substance abuse opened in Edgartown District Court earlier this year with the goal of addressing the underlying addiction that often drives people repeatedly into the criminal justice system.
John Rose, who was already accused of videotaping a woman during sex without her knowledge, pleaded not guilty to two counts of attempting to commit a crime.
The following cases were heard in Edgartown district court.