In a trio of bills filed earlier this year, State Rep. Thomas Moakley requested more staff for the Edgartown District Court, a year-long study into the staffing levels and the condition of the 1858 courthouse, and better access to the state’s housing court for the Vineyard and Nantucket.
David Capato, who was arraigned last week after allegedly claiming he had explosives at the Steamship Authority terminal, was transferred from the Dukes County jail to Bridgewater State Hospital.
The new court for people dealing with substance abuse opened in Edgartown District Court earlier this year with the goal of addressing the underlying addiction that often drives people repeatedly into the criminal justice system.
John Rose, who was already accused of videotaping a woman during sex without her knowledge, pleaded not guilty to two counts of attempting to commit a crime.
John Rose pleaded not guilty Monday in Edgartown District Court to a charge of photographing, videotaping, or electronically surveilling a partially nude or nude persons. He was released on $10,000 bail and ordered to wear a tracking device.