Noah Asimow
Wastewater concerns continue to hover over the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital’s proposed new nursing home facility off the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road, with selectmen voting Monday to commission an independent analysis.
Edgartown select board
Martha's Vineyard Hospital
Windemere Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Edgartown wastewater treatment plant
Noah Asimow
The Edgartown police department has promoted officer Ryan Ruley to sergeant, after the longtime law enforcement official and Oak Bluffs selectman came out tops in a lengthy hiring process.
Edgartown select board


Edgartown selectmen voted Monday to begin offering non-resident senior shellfish licenses at the price of $125.

Edgartown selectmen voted Monday to renew the aquaculture license of Francis (Sandy) Fisher, but with the proviso that his lease will not be renewed if he receives one more citation for violating the town’s shellfishing regulations.

Edgartown selectmen have come to an agreement with a regional energy collective after an earlier impasse about how the town would contribute to the organization.

Edgartown selectmen declined to add a non-binding referendum to the ballot asking voters if they wanted Community Preservation Act funds to be earmarked for housing.

Selectmen and others were skeptical of an informal proposal to steer 65 per cent of every Island town’s Community Preservation Act funds toward regional affordable housing.

A plan for Edgartown to purchase a run-down house on Main street will head to the town meeting warrant after selectmen signed off on the proposal this week over objections from the property owner.
