Aliyah Walker
Stina Sayre’s Freedom Collection fashion show last week was a benefit for Friends of Family Planning.


Baked goods bring the community together. That’s what Island baker Julia Blanter believes and how the first annual Great Martha’s Vineyard Bake-Off was born.


Stina Sayre’s Freedom Collection fashion show last week was a benefit for Friends of Family Planning.


This year’s Friends of Family Planning art show and sale, an anchor Memorial Day weekend event for some three decades, will be the last.

Sunday night's performance of The Vagina Monologues at the Old Whaling Church brought in a packed house and drew thunderous applause.


Reproductive health care on the Vineyard is notably lacking in education, communication and access. This was the conclusion of eight rural scholars who recently spent two weeks on the Island studying the issue.

The Friends of Family Planning Fundraiser and Art Show takes place this weekend at the Agricultural Hall.
