Silver Linings is the theme for the next community art show at Featherstone Center for the Arts, opening April 5. The Art of Flowers follows in May.
On June 16 from 4 to 5 p.m. there will be discussion under the trees at Featherstone with the Vineyard Conservation Society.
Louisa Hufstader
This month, the Vineyard Conservation Society and Featherstone Center for the Arts are exploring the relationship between artists and the natural world.
Kate Dario
On Tuesday evening Featherstone Center for the Arts opened its summer series of photography salons with a photographic slide show and talk by John Rosenmiller.


You know you’ve always wanted to carve and forge. We all have. Featherstone Center for the Arts gives us the option. Its first-ever Iron on the Island event is on Saturday, Sept. 20, pretty much all day.

Featherstone presents its annual Potter’s Bowl on Sunday, August 24, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event also kicks off the Art of Ceramics exhibit.

The Martha's Vineyard Summer Madness Festival came to a finale Sunday night with a performance by Lauryn Hill at the Featherstone Center For the Arts in Oak Bluffs. This show capped off a weekend packed with female talent.

Crystal balls are optional at Featherstone Center for the Arts’ upcoming gala, Looking Into the Future. But you could get your palm read or check out the belly dancers.

A spring explosion of color and flowers comes to Featherstone Center for the Arts during its fifth annual Garden Party and Fashion Show under the tent.

Featherstone Center for the Arts hosts its fifth annual Garden Party and Fashion Show at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 10. Sip sparkling lemonade while taking in designs by Lorraine Parish, Bananas, Once In a Blue Moon and more.
