To start their 20th anniversary celebration summer, the Featherstone Center for the Arts is featuring Martha’s Vineyard family artwork at the Besse Gallery.
The award will go to Francine Kelly and Ann Smith in recognition of their work to promote the arts on the Vineyard. Ms. Kelly is former executive director at Featherstone; her daughter succeeded her.
The theme was owls, and last Friday at Featherstone Center for the Arts, artistic renderings of the majestic winged creatures were everywhere you looked. The theme was chosen in memory of Grace McDonnell, and this summer, thanks to a gift from her parents, 10 scholarships helped Island children attend Featherstone's art camp.
On Monday nights at Featherstone Center for the Arts, it’s all about the music. This week, Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish embraced the outdoor stage as part of the ongoing Musical Monday series.
After a year away, Billy Collins returned to the Featherstone Center for the Arts on Tuesday evening to a hero’s welcome.
As the temperature rises and the Island prepares for summer, the Featherstone Center for the Performing Arts is getting ready to kick off a new and diverse season of events.