Silver Linings is the theme for the next community art show at Featherstone Center for the Arts, opening April 5. The Art of Flowers follows in May.
On June 16 from 4 to 5 p.m. there will be discussion under the trees at Featherstone with the Vineyard Conservation Society.
Louisa Hufstader
This month, the Vineyard Conservation Society and Featherstone Center for the Arts are exploring the relationship between artists and the natural world.
Kate Dario
On Tuesday evening Featherstone Center for the Arts opened its summer series of photography salons with a photographic slide show and talk by John Rosenmiller.


The opening reception for Eyes of the Island, a group exhibition featuring photographs from the Vineyard Gazette, was well attended and convivial.

Eyes of the Island, an exhibit featuring 40 years of Vineyard Gazette photography, runs from Sept. 24 until Oct. 22 at Featherstone Center for the Arts.

With cheers, laughter and sighs, Billy Collins was welcomed back to Featherstone Center for the Arts Tuesday.

What goes best with soup? Art, of course.

More than 500 people came to see the opening of Big, the inaugural show of pieces by nearly 70 Vineyard artists at the newly opened Art Barn.

Featherstone’s new Art Barn opens Friday with a ribbon cutting and an opening reception for Big. The exhibit features large-scale works from more than 50 Island artists.
