Abstract painter Tommy May will debut his work at the Field Gallery, with a reception on Sunday, August 20 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Colin Ruel paints under a tarp attached to a shed in the woods of West Tisbury, a short walk down from the yurt where he lives with his wife and son.
On Sunday, August 10, from 5 to 7 p.m. the Field Gallery in West Tisbury will host a reception for artists Traeger di Pietro and Craig Mooney.
At this moment, all over the Vineyard, 40 people each have a different metal puzzle piece that bears part of a painting. On Sunday, they will meet at the Field Gallery in West Tisbury to assemble the pieces and reveal the full painting by Island artist Traeger di Pietro.
The exhibit, called “Whatever the Outcome,” was the brainchild of Craig Minor, a teacher at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School. Following his interest in “lowbrow” and underground art, Mr.
The whimsical alabaster dancing sculptures that are synonymous with the Field Gallery in West Tisbury now have a firmly-cemented place in the town’s future.
The West Tisbury selectmen signed the final papers yesterday morning to buy 1.4 acres of the gallery and sculpture garden in the village center from Tim and Eileen Maley. The purchase price was $625,000; a sale agreement was signed last spring and approved by voters at the annual town meeting.
Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
Public spectacles like the annual monster shark tournament have much in common with the gladiator games conducted in the Coliseum during ancient Roman festivals. Large, adoring crowds immersed in a circuslike atmosphere amid unbridled commercial activity, awaiting the extravaganza of torture, execution and the eventual display of victims.