The Vineyard’s fine arts scene is warming with the weather, as seasonal galleries open their doors and year-round establishments introduce new artists.
Tom Maley founded the Field Gallery in 1971 in the West Tisbury field behind his family’s home with fellow artists Robert Schwartz, Eleanor Coen and Max Kahn. Chris and Sheila Morse own the gallery today.
One evening nearly 50 years ago, Tom and Helen Maley were having dinner with their good friends Bob and Maggie Schwartz and the Chicago artists Max Kahn and Eleanor Coen.
At an artist’s reception at the Field Gallery on Sunday, Tommy May described his process, one that includes working on 30 paintings at once. He uses the hectic pace to crowd out thoughts from his mind.
At this moment, all over the Vineyard, 40 people each have a different metal puzzle piece that bears part of a painting. On Sunday, they will meet at the Field Gallery in West Tisbury to assemble the pieces and reveal the full painting by Island artist Traeger di Pietro.
The exhibit, called “Whatever the Outcome,” was the brainchild of Craig Minor, a teacher at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School. Following his interest in “lowbrow” and underground art, Mr.