Noah Asimow
State and local police are investigating discrepancies in public funding requests submitted by the Vineyard Trust for restoration and maintenance work on two landmark properties.
Julia Wells
Punctuating a summer of upheaval, the Vineyard Trust announced changes in board leadership, and said it had launched a search for a new executive director.


Lacquered wooden steeds shone in the sun Saturday as the Vineyard Preservation Trust showed off the newly restored Flying Horses Carousel.


Four of the Flying Horses, all injured in service at their eponymous Oak Bluffs carousel, now sit in the woodworking shop of West Tisbury shipwright Myles Thurlow.

On Sunday evening, friends, family and co-workers celebrated Robin Meader's retirement after 35 years as manager of the Flying Horses.


Punctuating a summer of upheaval, the Vineyard Trust announced changes in board leadership, and said it had launched a search for a new executive director.

State and local police are investigating discrepancies in public funding requests submitted by the Vineyard Trust for restoration and maintenance work on two landmark properties.

The historic platform carousel in Oak Bluffs whirls again beginning this weekend, and daily once Island schools are out.
