The MV Community Seed Library Group hosts another seed swap and giveaway on the West Tisbury Library porch, weather permitting.
Home gardeners can learn regenerative growing practices at one of three upcoming workshops sponsored by Island Grown.




Taking the bad with the good is the nature of life. I was enjoying my morning tea in the garden while watching robins. Suddenly I realized they were unearthing my newly planted and mulched cucumbers in their search for worms. Every one had to be replanted. Why can’t they eat the Colorado potato beetles that have already begun their assault on my eggplants?


Garden Angels

Gardening is a combination of art, science and love. Jennifer Slossberg, founder of Garden Angels, has blended the three into an organic landscaping company that turns gardens into aesthetic marvels with a delicate ecological footprint.

The Polly Hill Arboretum is full of special trees, but if there is one which is more special than all the rest, according to executive director Tim Boland, it is a magnolia Mrs. Hill planted more than 40 years ago.

What makes it extra special is not its beauty or it rarity, although it is both a gorgeous tree and one which really should not grow in these climes at all; it is the fact that it saved the arboretum.

Indirectly, but nonetheless it did.


butterfly weed seeds

The lead foreman of Vineyard Gardens, Jeremiah Brown, doesn’t mince words about his expertise.

“What I know is pruning,” he said.

He shared his experience with members of the Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club at its September meeting by combining a talk and hands-on demonstration on the grounds of the Old Mill in West Tisbury. 

Mr. Brown admitted to starting out his career in horticulture by “knocking out false bamboo in his mother’s garden with a golf club.”
