Celebrate National Lighthouse Day in Aquinnah with the launch of Keepers of the Light, a new exhibit at the Manning Building by the Gay Head Light.
Next week the PBS science series Nova will air Operation Lighthouse Rescue, a film documenting the effort to relocate the Gay Head Light.
The Buffalo, N.Y., company that engineered the relocation of the Gay Head Light last spring will play a central role in restoring the brick tower in the coming years.
The Aquinnah selectmen continued charting a future course for the Gay Head Light, discussing a possible revision of the lightkeeper’s job description.
Mariners, the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are updating their charts to account for the light’s relocation away from the eroding cliffs.
Almost as soon as it was possible to set up a movie camera on Martha’s Vineyard, filmmakers were heading out to Aquinnah to shoot the swirling, mottled escarpment of clays and tills and Irish-green heathland that make up the Gay Head Cliffs.