Julia Wells
Robert J. Carroll, a prominent Edgartown businessman, has sold all of his interest in the Kelley House and the Harbor View Hotel to Robert Welch and Stephen C.
Virginia Poole
Elegant and proud as any schooner that sailed the neighboring waters, the Harbor View Hotel stands imposingly on the most fashionable street or historic Edgartown.  


A good season.
All good fortune attend the departing guests.
Come again, and Edgartown with enhanced charms will give you cordial welcome.
The tax bills for 1899 are now out, and everyone is correspondingly happy.
Hotel Harbor View is reported as having had the best year in the history of the house. Landlord and Mrs. Douglas are to be congratulated on modelly managing a model house.


The Harbor View will open June 20, under its former manager, F. A. Douglas, of Winthrop. An addition is being built to the northeast side, which will enlarge the dining-room to about twice its former size, and will give a seating capacity of 120 persons. The piazzas are also being carried around the dining-room extension. The former small dining-room will be used for a ladies’ writing and reading room. John L. Mayhew, of the owners, has the improvements in charge, and the work is being pushed forward by a force of carpenters from Cottage City.


Photographer R. G. Shute took some fine views of the hotel Monday afternoon. The finished pictures are now on sale at his store, samples to be seen in the window. It is useless to say that Mr. Shute is an adept at the photographer's art, - as well as a thousand and one other accomplishments, - and in this case has been fortunate in securing extra fine results and has made a picture which every Edgartonian far and near will desire to be in possession of. Price 50c. Each.

At 6 pm. Wednesday evening, 11th inst., the polls were closed in the great voting contest for the naming of Edgartown’s new Summer hotel. Since Dec. 18th the votes had been coming in, the standing of the vote being announced in subsequent issues of the Gazette. From almost the start the favorites seemed to be Hotel Edgartown and Harbor View, although Hotel Martha and others developed considerable strength.


Regarding the contest we wish to state that the right of voting is free to all persons, and one person can send in any number of votes - no limit. It is only a question of getting the coupons, and you are entitled to as many votes as you can produce coupons.

By courtesy of the Directors we are permitted to invite the public to sent to the Gazette office their written choice of a suitable name for the new hotel. Let all who are interested and have a name in mind which they thing the correct thing, send it to us. This invitation holds good until Saturday nigh, Dec. 6th. After that date the different names suggested will be published, and the public will then be given an opportunity to decide (by Gazette coupon vote) which of the proposed name shall be accepted.
