The Lambert’s Cove Inn will soon change hands, with hoteliers Jon and Stephanie Saunders of Cohasset set to buy the West Tisbury country inn in early January, pending a liquor license transfer.
The Lambert’s Cove Inn will soon change hands, with hoteliers Jon and Stephanie Saunders of Cohasset set to buy the West Tisbury country inn in early January, pending a liquor license transfer.
The Lambert’s Cove Inn went on the market for sale last week with an asking price of $6.9 million. The historic country inn and restaurant in West Tisbury is owned by John and Keya Cain.
A slick, full-color Vogue magazine spread spotlighting a glamorous Martha’s Vineyard destination wedding was published online and then abruptly taken down Tuesday night.
West Tisbury selectmen gave the Lambert’s Cove Inn permission to serve food and alcohol outdoors this summer.
The West Tisbury zoning board of appeals this week denied a request from the Lambert’s Cove Inn to expand by adding guest cabins on the property.
The new owners of the Lambert’s Cove Inn hope to expand their facilities with the construction of five new guest cabins, they told the West Tisbury zoning board of appeals Thursday evening.