Max Eagan has been appointed executive chef at the restaurant at Lambert’s Cove Inn, with a new menu and a newly decorated dining room.

He will be responsible for menu planning and execution as well as day-to-day operations of the kitchen culinary staff, reporting to the proprietors, Scott J. Jones and I. Kell Hicklin, with a sideline to general manager, Michael Rego.

Mr. Jones said of the young chef, “Max’s culinary brilliance is complimented by his travels, creative energy, hard work and his love of Martha’s Vineyard.”


For the second time in three months, the sign at Lambert’s Cove Inn in West Tisbury was stolen sometime Saturday night or Sunday morning. Police said they are searching for suspects in a string of sign-related heists in recent months.

The previous sign at the Lambert’s Cove Inn was stolen in February, and the sign in front of the Focus Christian fellowship center down the road has also been stolen several times over the past year.

The hand-carved sign formerly at the entrance of the Lambert’s Cove Inn and Restaurant in West Tisbury was stolen Saturday night or early Sunday morning, and the owners of the inn are offering a reward for the return of the custom-made marker, valued at $2,000.


Two historic Vineyard inns - Lambert's Cove Inn in West
Tisbury and the Tuscany Inn at the Captain Fisher House in Edgartown
- were sold during the last week in heavily leveraged deals.
