Statistically home to one of the highest percentages of tick-borne illnesses in the world, Martha’s Vineyard will soon be the setting for a clinical trial of a vaccine aimed at preventing Lyme disease.
Statistically home to one of the highest percentages of tick-borne illnesses in the world, Martha’s Vineyard will soon be the setting for a clinical trial of a vaccine aimed at preventing Lyme disease.
As a particularly pervasive summer for ticks on the Island winds down, the Infectious Disease Society of America has released new draft guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease.
Maps prepared by cartographer Chris Seidel document the spread of deer ticks, dog ticks and lone star ticks.
Island hunters took nearly 800 deer during the 2017 deer hunting season, the highest harvest in at least 16 years, according to recently released state data.
Shotgun hunting season began Monday, and the weigh station was busy this week with hunters, biologists collecting ticks, and a new deer donation program.
Island boards of health and a nonprofit partner are rolling out a new program to help hunters donate and process venison on the Island.