The Vineyard Gazette
The readers of the Gazette will please bear with us this week for the lack of extended news of local affairs.
Camp Meeting History
Illumination Night
Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association


The readers of the Gazette will please bear with us this week for the lack of extended news of local affairs. We are publishing the Camp Meeting Herald, daily and it occupies so much of time and labor that we are unable to pay that degree of attention to the Gazette as is our custom. We reproduce a number of articles from the Herald, which are well worth reading.

The Oak Bluffers will soon have to compete with the undertaking by the Vineyard Grove Company, who owns the delightful grove on the “other side of Jordon.” This association is composed of gentlemen of excellent standing, and we learn that it is their intention to conduct the affairs of the same in a manner that cannot fail to be appreciated by visitors and must prove profitable to all concerned. Lots have been sold for building purposes, and we expect to see ere many years, a thriving settlement here.


This meeting was commenced on Wednesday, the 18th instant, at Wesleyan Grove, and was more numerously attended than on any previous year. The greatest number present was on Sunday, when it was estimated there were between four and five thousand persons on the ground. In Providence and the neighborhood the Methodists were disappointed in chartering a steamer for the occasion, and many (estimated at 1,500) were therefore prevented from coming; yet, so great was the increase, upon former years, from other places, that the decrease from this quarter was much far more than made up.
