The Vineyard Gazette
The readers of the Gazette will please bear with us this week for the lack of extended news of local affairs.
Camp Meeting History
Illumination Night
Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association


Black and Wampanoag peoplewere among the earliest seasonal residents of the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, according to research by association president Andrew Patch.

The Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association in Oak Bluffs began in 1835 as a small community of like-minded men from Edgartown.


The six cottages on this year’s Gingerbread Cottage Tour all retain a number of their original features, however their addresses have changed.


At sundown the gingerbread houses of the Camp Ground will glow with the light of thousands of lanterns, part of a summertime tradition in Oak Bluffs.

One hundred fifty years ago this year, by an act of the Massachusetts legislature, the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association was incorporated to manage what had become one of the largest camp meetings in New England.

Each year the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association holds a Gingerbread Cottage Tour, taking guests inside the privately owned cottages to get a look past the porches. This year’s tour is Wednesday, August 8 and includes six cottages. The tour runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., beginning at the Tabernacle. The cost is $30, which includes the tour and admission to the Cottage Museum and refreshments.
