Noah Asimow, Kate Dario
Packed harbors, crowded ferries, maskless Main streets and indoor dining — after 15 months of pandemic lockdown, Martha’s Vineyard is readying for Memorial Day.
Memorial Day
Kate Dario
Chilmark, Edgartown and Tisbury schools held their annual Memorial Day march to the sea ceremonies Friday.
March to the Sea
Memorial Day
Noah Asimow
After 15 pandemic-clouded months, the skies refused to part for a hotly-anticipated Memorial Day reopening weekend, which quickly turned into a washout.
Memorial Day


Martha’s Vineyard celebrates Memorial Day today with flag raisings, a parade and a town picnic in Vineyard Haven, capping the holiday weekend that is also the unofficial start of summer. The veterans of Martha’s Vineyard will hold a Memorial Day parade beginning at 10:30 a.m.

As the Vineyard readies itself for Memorial Day weekend, the traditional start to the summer season, Island businesses say excitement outweighs uncertainty.

At Grey Barn farm in Chilmark a turkey has made her nest in a patch of chamomile.

The morning of Ted Morgan’s memorial service was a rainy April Monday in 2019.


After 15 pandemic-clouded months, the skies refused to part for a hotly-anticipated Memorial Day reopening weekend, which quickly turned into a washout.

Chilmark, Edgartown and Tisbury schools held their annual Memorial Day march to the sea ceremonies Friday.
