Sunday's moped accident that claimed the life of a 41-year-old
New York city woman has reopened old wounds for Islanders who want to
see stronger safety standards for the two-wheeled vehicles, and others
who want them banned from the Vineyard altogether.

A woman visitor driving a moped down a straight stretch of the
Edgartown-West Tisbury Road in West Tisbury on Sunday was killed after
she reportedly lost control of the two-wheeled vehicle and struck a
utility pole head-on.


Emergency Responders Report Moped Accidents Down Again


Moped accidents were down again on the Vineyard this summer, and
emergency responders cite better public safety education as a possible

Preliminary numbers compiled by the four ambulance departments on
the Island show that the departments responded to an average number of
calls during the summer months, with a slight increase in the
down-Island departments.

But across the board the number of moped accidents saw a significant


Joanne Nutting is one of the 27 people who crashed a moped on the Vineyard last year and ended up in the emergency room at the Martha's Vineyard Hospital.


Manuel Suza just ordered a fill-up at deBettencourt's gas
station in Oak Bluffs and only had to shell out $1.66. No wonder he was
still smiling.

His rig barely uses any fuel, but it comes with a price. It's
a moped, and he's riding the thing in 35 degree weather. That
explains the thickly-insulated coveralls and ski gloves.

Mr. Suza is one of a handful of hearty Islanders who rely on a
vehicle that would hardly win a popularity contest on the Vineyard.

Largest Moped Agency Fails to Meet Deadline for Renewal of License


After more than a year of tough talk about enforcing moped
regulations and showing scofflaw dealers no mercy, Oak Bluffs is now
giving a break to two brothers who own the biggest fleet of mopeds in
