Last month, NOAA declared an Unusual Mortality Event for pinnipeds, a group of aquatic mammals that include seals.
Last month, NOAA declared an Unusual Mortality Event for pinnipeds, a group of aquatic mammals that include seals.
NOAA is zeroing in on a new home for its Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole. The organization began assessing the complex more than a year ago, in light of dwindling space.
Warming and acidifying ocean waters will negatively affect many fish and shellfish stocks in the Northeast in the coming years, a new study has found.
The coastal mapping vessel Ferdinand R. Hassler is nearing the end of a two-month mission to gather data south of the Vineyard. The data will be used to update nautical charts that are based on surveys conducted mostly before 1940.
Will we be the last generation to enjoy cod in New England?
An Island-based group that includes fishermen, a documentary filmmaker and a world-renowned oceanographer are leading an unprecedented effort to create three marine protected areas in waters south of the Vineyard.