Altered routes for over-sand vehicles and restrictive new dog policies are among changes in the offing for Chappaquiddick beaches owned and managed by the Trustees of Reservations.

A major dune restoration project is well under way at Norton Point and South Beach in Edgartown, with tons of trucked-in sand being used to rebuild the badly eroded beachfront.


Two piping plover nests have caused unusually long closures at Norton Point Beach this season, testing the patience of vacationers

The intense winter storm followed by extremely frigid temperatures caused severe tidal erosion and sent Island plumbers scrambling on frozen pipe calls over the weekend.


After a summer of tension over beach closures to vehicles to protect nesting shorebirds, Vineyard fishermen weighed in with concerns.

Norton Point has reopened to over-sand vehicle traffic after several weeks of closures during peak shorebird rearing season.
