Bucking a statewide trend, the Vineyard public school system continues to grow, with 2,253 students enrolled across the Island on Oct. 1 compared to 2,191 a year earlier.

Whatever feelings the Island's children may have about returning to school next Tuesday, Sept. 6, their principals, teachers, coaches and other campus leaders are eager to welcome them back for a school year with a return of cherished traditions.

Six students from the Vineyard are among the winners of the Steamship Authority's Sail into Imagination art contest.


Danielle Light is a fifth grade math teacher at the Oak Bluffs School. She is also a parent of a third grader and a fifth grader, and so is seeing both sides of the homeschooling equation.

As a teacher she helped create an online curriculum for her students. As a parent she is incredibly appreciative of the work her colleagues have done for her children.

“I feel like the way the information is being provided to them is so age-appropriate and user-friendly,” she said.


The Oak Bluffs School performs Mary Poppins.

Nearly 1,500 children and parents joined in on the fun at the fifth annual OB Boogie Family Fest Tuesday afternoon held on the grounds of the Island Inn in Oak Bluffs.
