Maia Coleman
The Oak Bluffs select board named town accountant Deborah Potter as their new town administrator Tuesday, after reviewing candidates both internal and external during an extended two-day interview process this week.
Oak Bluffs select board
Maia Coleman
The Oak Bluffs select board voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a request for proposals (RFP) for a multi-unit affordable housing development along the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road.
Oak Bluffs select board
Affordable housing
Maia Coleman
After hearing concerns from abutters, the Oak Bluffs select board indefinitely delayed plans for an outdoor concert series on the Oak Bluffs harbor at a brief meeting Monday.
Oak Bluffs select board
Noah Asimow
Exercise classes in public parks will have to be free but daytime mooring slips may not be in the future, the Oak Bluffs select board decided at their weekly meeting held Tuesday.
Oak Bluffs select board
Oak Bluffs harbor


Responding to criticism about the police department at the annual town meeting, Erik Blake plans initiatives to improve community relations.

On behalf of the Polar Bears of Martha’s Vineyard, I would like to urge the Oak Bluffs selectmen to support the article on the town warrant for the $40,000 for a beach rake.

Oak Bluffs voters will be asked to accept Hospital Road as the new public access into the Windemere neighborhood at the April town meeting, selectmen decided this week.

After hearing from town business owners who opposed a proposed plastic bag ban as too costly and inconvenient, Oak Bluffs selectmen voted unanimously Tuesday not to include the measure on the April town meeting warrant.

Oak Bluffs selectmen appointed Allyson Malik as the new town library director at their Tuesday meeting.


A $5.6 million project to restore the crumbling North Bluff coastal bank is set to come before the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.
