Original art quilts and handmade crafts from Haiti will fill the Grange Hall in West Tisbury on Monday, August 25.
Original art quilts and handmade crafts from Haiti will fill the Grange Hall in West Tisbury on Monday, August 25.
Island-based PeaceQuilts supports women’s quilting cooperatives in Haiti, which gives the women an opportunity to earn their way out of poverty. There are 100 women organized throughout Haiti and at various levels of training who work through PeaceQuilts. Organizers found out recently that many of the women and girls walk hours a day to participate in the quilting project.
The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library will present the first of their Sunday afternoon programs for the season on Sunday, Nov. 22 at 2 p.m. Author Nora Nevin and photographer Harvey Beth will be speaking about the Haiti PeaceQuilts Project. Refreshments will be served following the talk.
The Vineyard recently received an honored guest and a living historical figure to its shores. On Wednesday, the Honorable Marie-Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue, Haiti’s minister of women’s affairs and rights since 2006, came to serve as guest of honor at a weekend-long celebration of solidarity between the island of Hispaniola and Martha’s Vineyard, sponsored by the Vineyard organizations Peacequilts and MV Fish Farm for Haiti.