The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library will present the first of their Sunday afternoon programs for the season on Sunday, Nov. 22 at 2 p.m. Author Nora Nevin and photographer Harvey Beth will be speaking about the Haiti PeaceQuilts Project. Refreshments will be served following the talk.
Ms. Nevin and Mr. Beth both have contributed to the new book Patience to Raise the Sun: Art Quilts from Haiti and their Power to Change Women’s Lives. They will describe how a few Vineyarders and their friends are trying to make a difference in the poorest country in the western hemisphere.
The PeaceQuilts Project is enabling Haitian women to earn a living through meaningful, creative work — improving their lives and those of their families. The first model quilt-making cooperative is located in Lilavois, Haiti, just outside the capital of Port-au-Prince. Here, women from the community are producing one-of-a-kind original art quilts informed by Haitian imagery. They earn a daily wage plus a portion of the sale price when their quilts sell. PeaceQuilts, an all-volunteer nonprofit organization, is an outgrowth of the Martha’s Vineyard Fish Farm for Haiti Project, helping the poor of Haiti since 1998.
The Sunday with Friends program series will be offered monthly at the library throughout the winter. For more information about the activities of the Friends, ask at the library or visit the Web site
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