The latest influx of cash will help chip away at the Chilmark project’s current $5 million budget shortfall, and could prompt a special town meeting later this year on the housing proposal. 

Chilmark may be poised to send out a request for proposals to construct an affordable housing complex off Pasture Road six years after the idea was first hatched. 

The Peaked Hill Pastures affordable housing development has been in process for years now, with a planning board subcommittee initiating work on the concept back in 2018.


The Chilmark planning board will send out a request for proposals for the Peaked Hill Pastures affordable housing project approved at town meeting last year.


The Peaked Hill Pastures affordable housing project is headed to town meeting as a concept plan rather than a concrete spending article.


The Chilmark select board voted to recommend the long-planned Peaked Hill Pastures affordable housing project Tuesday, but directed the planning board to make changes, reducing density and adding homesite lots.
