As dawn rose over Inkwell beach in Oak Bluffs Sunday morning, dozens of jubilant Islanders — many of them Polars Bears — spontaneously gathered as one, plunging into the sea.

For many Americans of color, the Fourth of July has meant something different. In a morning conversation at Inkwell Beach, three Polar Bears reflect.


On behalf of the Polar Bears of Martha’s Vineyard, I would like to urge the Oak Bluffs selectmen to support the article on the town warrant for the $40,000 for a beach rake.


The Polar Bears of Martha’s Vineyard is a 70-year-old social organization that promotes the joys of our early morning swim and fellowship at the Inkwell Beach in Oak Bluffs.


When we think of the Polar Bears of Martha's Vineyard we think of tradition, acceptance,friendship, and now transition.

Polar Bears gathered at Inkwell Beach in a friendship circle for their traditional Fourth of July holiday swim in Nantucket Sound.