In 1938 a group of Island women came together to knit six red stockings, fill those stocking with gifts and distribute them to six families in need just in time for Christmas.
In 1938 a group of Island women came together to knit six red stockings, fill those stocking with gifts and distribute them to six families in need just in time for Christmas.
Red Stocking applications are available at the following Island locations: public schools, most banks, Health Care Access, Community Services, Island Wide Youth Collaborative, Food Pantry, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head, and M.V. Insurance Agency offices.
Santa Claus is known for riding a sleigh throughout most of world. On Martha’s Vineyard, he rides a Harley and his name is Mike (Panhead) Fuss.
It’s time for the Red Stocking Fund Drive, brought to you by the Martha’s Vineyard Harley Riders.
Mittens, snow boots, pajamas, winter coats and toys would be hard to come by for some of Martha’s Vineyard’s neediest families, if not for the Red Stocking Fund.
The Red Stocking Fund got a big boost Friday with a check that was large in size and amount: $13,500 from Safeco Insurance as part of their Make More Happen campaign.