Aaron Wilson
The second annual Chappaquiddick Point to Point race is set for this Sunday, August 30.


More than 360 runners participated in the annual Run for Jabberwocky 5K on Saturday, August 17. The race started and finished at the Farm Institute in Katama.

Louis W. Sullivan’s morning walks have always been about two things: building connections and health.
Dr. Sullivan’s early morning walks with his wife Ginger started in the early 1970s.


On New Year’s Day there will be a 5K run/walk to benefit the family of Jim Moore who is battling cancer. The run begins at 11 a.m. at Martha’s Vineyard Chowder Company in Oak Bluffs.

The cost is $20 in advance or $25 day of race and $5 for children under 12.

For information, call 508-627-8303.


david melly chilmark road race

Wearing a bright orange top and neon green running shoes, David Melly was easy to spot along Middle Road on Saturday morning. Then again, it wouldn’t have been difficult to find Melly at nearly any point during the 2011 Chilmark Road Race, as the 18-year-old from Newton, blew the field away on Saturday. His winning time of 16:22 was more than a full minute faster than the next closest competitor.

“I just wanted to put forth a strong effort,” Melly said. “I feels good to put a strong race together.”

Chilmark selectmen took up a series of summer housekeeping items this week, approving the Chilmark Road Race, wrapping up harbor repair projects and reviewing advertising bylaws.

The selectmen approved the annual road race at their weekly meeting on Tuesday with one requirement: There must be more portable bathrooms throughout the course.


runners in the race

Generations of joggers, walkers and runners gathered at Washington Park in Oak Bluffs on Saturday morning for the 22nd annual Sullivan 5K Run and Walk for Health and Fitness. The fundraiser for the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital had all the trappings of a family reunion and social until the race began and the group suddenly rushed en masse down the street. Prior to the start, participants lingered about, sharing stories and sipping from bottles of water.
