Aaron Wilson
The second annual Chappaquiddick Point to Point race is set for this Sunday, August 30.


Ladies and gentlemen, get your sneakers on for the Gay Head 10K. This year’s run is on Sunday, Oct. 1.

As the sun rose over Inkwell Beach on Sunday morning, athletes of all ages gathered to compete in the fourth annual event that features swimming, distance biking and running.

The 29th annual Sullivan 5K run/walk for health and fitness takes place on Saturday, August 26, beginning at 8:30 a.m.

Rain stopped just before the start of the annual road race Saturday. Benjamin Bosworth, 22, was the fastest runner of the day. Sheridan Wilbur won the women's division for the fourth year in a row.

In the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest on Sunday, Lee Danforth of Norwood was out front and all alone. Maintaining his lead ahead of the pack, he went on to win the Martha’s Vineyard Marathon, clocking in at 2:42:37.

With perfect conditions (a rarity) the Martha’s Vineyard 20-Miler went off with hardly a hitch on Saturday, as over 300 runners turned out for the 20th anniversary of the annual event.
