Noah Asimow
On Saturday night at 10 p.m., Sen. Raphael Warnock was on Capitol Hill, fighting to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill. On Sunday morning Reverend Warnock was preaching on Martha’s Vineyard.


The West Tisbury Congregational Church moves over to the Agricultural Hall once again for a 5 p.m. Christmas Eve service.

The church ladies of the West Tisbury Congregational Church have once again left the pews and taken to the woods. Fear not, they have not gone feral.

The First Congregational Church of West Tisbury continues its Wednesday evening Advent contemplative services with Healing and Transformation on Wednesday, Dec. 18.

A week after attending the West Tisbury Congregational Church service on Sunday, Nov. 10, to hear guest pastor Rev. Reebee Girash give a sermon explicitly focused on actively responding to the climate crisis, one striking impression still seems central to all the others.

The West Tisbury Congregational Church, host of the Island’s most popular strawberry festival, are feeling blue at the moment — blueberry that is. On Saturday, July 13, the church will hold its first ever blueberry festival.

David Rhoderick is a professional musician. He is also a mainframe evangelist for IBM. These may seem like two completely different skills, but to Mr. Rhoderick, both jobs are like chord progressions, they harmonize.

Mr. Rhoderick is the organist at the West Tisbury Congregational Church, a job he secured in April after acting as the church’s interim music director this past winter.

On Sunday June 2 at 4 p.m. the West Tisbury Congregational Church will host a concert featuring Mr. Rhoderick and the church choir.
