West Tisbury selectmen came under pressure Wednesday from residents calling for the town to enact a mandatory face mask rule.
West Tisbury became the second Island town this week to extend the property tax filing deadline to June 1.
West Tisbury selectmen reluctantly agreed Wednesday to move forward with plans to take back control of the town dump and Dumptique from the regional refuse district.
West Tisbury selectmen on Wednesday reiterated their commitment to keeping the town trash and recycling dropoff open, pledging to meet with the regional refuse district.
West Tisbury selectmen raised concerns Wednesday with a warrant article proposed by the Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA) aimed at restoring full bus service to the Island.
West Tisbury selectmen last week approved a list of commercial events to be held at the Ag Hall this year over the lone objection of selectman Jeffrey (Skipper) Manter 3rd.