While many have touted the arrival of offshore wind, there are also concerns about the scope of the effort and the potential for irreparable damage to species that live and migrate through the area.
Several whales and other marine animals were seen off the Vineyard shores this week, a sign that summer is approaching.
An aerial survey team of scientists from the New England Aquarium saw a pod of four orcas swimming approximately 40 miles south of Nantucket during an aerial survey on Sunday.
People on South Beach Sunday were treated to the sight of whales slapping the water close to shore.
A decomposing minke whale was found washed ashore this week by an Island family that was out for a walk on their Cape Higgon beach.
Less than a month into the calving season, four baby North Atlantic right whales have already been spotted off the coast of Florida and Georgia, offering a glimmer of hope for the species.