As wind farm developers begin to jockey in earnest to build projects in waters off the Vineyard, a new round of surveys related to a turbine project south of the Island is set to begin this week.
As wind farm developers begin to jockey in earnest to build projects in waters off the Vineyard, a new round of surveys related to a turbine project south of the Island is set to begin this week.
Interest in offshore wind energy in the Northeast continues, with two companies vying for the remaining leases in the Massachusetts wind energy area south of the Vineyard.
With offshore wind developers inching their way through the federal permitting process, government and company representatives stopped by the Vineyard this week.
Surveys of a future wind energy site south of Martha’s Vineyard are beginning Sept. 23, according to a notice to fishermen.
A landmark energy bill passed in the final hours of the legislative session Sunday opens the door to offshore wind energy, but prevents Cape Wind from competing for state-required energy contracts.
A representative from Denmark’s largest energy company had a chilly reception in Chilmark this week as commercial fishermen and others discussed a proposed wind farm south of the Vineyard.