Louisa Hufstader
A rare show of neon artwork will light up the Workshop Gallery in Vineyard Haven for the first half of July, opening during the town’s First Friday celebration on July 2.


Years after it became the Island’s first state-designated cultural district, the Vineyard Haven Harbor Cultural District is relaunching as a newly-minted nonprofit led by artists working in the town.

Island artist Taylor Stone’s first-ever solo show is really three exhibitions in one, all infused with her love of the magical and fantastic.


Boat building takes its cultural place with architecture and fine art in the watercolor drawings of Maine artist Abe Goodale, on display at the Workshop Gallery in Vineyard Haven this weekend. Mr. Goodale’s portraits of shipwrights at work, including Islander Ross Gannon of Gannon and Benjamin Marine Railway, quietly celebrate their craftsmanship and concentration in detailed graphite drawings washed with subtle color.

“His skill set is obviously something to be admired — he is just incredible,” said Workshop partner Wil Sideman.

A rare show of neon artwork will light up the Workshop Gallery in Vineyard Haven for the first half of July, opening during the town’s First Friday celebration on July 2.