The plastic popping sound of pickleballs in Chilmark could be tamped down under a new draft bylaw unveiled by the Chilmark planning board this week.
The plastic popping sound of pickleballs in Chilmark could be tamped down under a new draft bylaw unveiled by the Chilmark planning board this week.
The planning board met Tuesday for a public hearing on the bylaw, which bans fractional ownership in certain parts of town.
Voters will consider a zoning bylaw that puts limits on trade-related activities in residential districts when Tisbury town meeting opens on May 28.
Edgartown residents debated 10 possible new zoning bylaws in a public hearing Tuesday, all intended to preserve the town’s year-round housing stock, encourage higher-density building and protect the Island’s fragile natural resources.
More than 100 people joined a virtual public hearing Wednesday evening to review proposed zoning bylaw changes in Oak Bluffs, including five new overlay districts allowing potential business uses in residential neighborhoods.
Chilmark officials, farmers and residents continued to debate potential revisions to town agricultural zoning bylaws at a planning board meeting this week. The changes would allow farms to host agricultural-related events.