Tisbury Voters Approve Zoning Bylaw Changes

Tisbury voters moved briskly through their annual and special town meeting warrants Tuesday night, approving all 40 articles including changes to the zoning bylaw and the town's $39,765,401 operating budget.

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Zoning Bylaw Changes Return to Tisbury Town Meeting

Voters will consider a zoning bylaw that puts limits on trade-related activities in residential districts when Tisbury town meeting opens on May 28.

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Budgeting Mishap Could Lead to Tisbury Override

A pair of newly-discovered bookkeeping snafus have sent Tisbury officials scrambling to reduce a $1.5 million Proposition 2 1/2 override vote at the annual town meeting May 28.

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Tisbury Voters Approve High School Budget at Town Meeting

Voters in Tisbury capped a long evening by approving the regional high school operating budget with an overwhelming voice vote. The outcome keeps the issue in limbo, with Aquinnah set to cast the deciding vote on May 9.

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As Tisbury School Project Begins, Town Meetings Move to Oak Bluffs

Tisbury's annual and special town meetings are moving to the high school performing arts center in Oak Bluffs for the next two and a half years, while the town school undergoes an extensive renovation and addition.

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