Louisa Hufstader
State wildlife officials and the Mass Audubon bird conservation group are advising residents to bring in their bird feeders and birdbaths until more is known about a mysterious avian ailment.
Bird news
Mass Audubon


The bird of the week is a prothonotary warbler, first spotted by Maria Thibodeau at Sheriff’s Meadow Sanctuary on April 8.

I wrote last week that the flood gates had opened, signaled by the arrival of multiple osprey, greater yellowlegs, piping plovers and double-crested cormorants.

Here they come! We have numerous documented osprey sightings.

No confirmed osprey sightings have been reported as of my writing this column.

Multiple observers found tree swallows on Feb. 24, and many found red-winged blackbirds as of Feb. 23.

A conspicuous species soon to arrive is the American robin, which will announce its presence by its loud caroling from the treetops.
