An advisory committee tasked with protecting Cape Pogue is urging the town to allow the use of pesticides in some cases in the name of conservation.
A plan to re-route a portion of an oversand vehicle trail on Chappaquiddick is being challenged by a group of landowners, which believes more study should have gone into the proposal.
Lawsuits and legal appeals continue to stack up in the battle over oversand vehicle trails on Chappaquiddick.
The nonprofit, which oversees miles of oversand vehicle trails on Chappaquiddick, is proposing to retire about 1,300 feet of trail along the bayside of Cape Pogue because it now regularly becomes inundated by Cape Pogue Bay.
The natural splendor of the beaches on Chappaquiddick attracts swimmers, hikers, anglers, sunbathers, birdwatchers and sunset — or sunrise — watchers.
Located on the furthest, most immaculate tip of Chappaquiddick, Cape Pogue Wildlife Refuge is home to salt marsh, coastal cedars, endangered shorebirds and some of the best recreational fishing the Vineyard has to offer.