Cronig’s Market will withdraw from the popular Island Club discount program, touching off a stir of conversation on social media and in grocery aisles.
A special timeline of Cronig’s 100-year history, sponsored by Cronig’s Market, has been added to the Gazette’s Time Machine
When Sam Cronig and his three brothers opened their Vineyard Haven market in March 1917, the world was still at war in Europe.
Cronig’s Market has launched a new program to provide families in need with fresh produce and other items not commonly available in food pantries.
On any given day the owner of Cronig’s Markets can be found sweeping the parking lot of his stores, pulling bull briar and poison ivy at Thimble Farm or expanding his myriad evolving business interests. Steve Bernier says at heart he is just an old-fashioned entrepreneur.
It was an unusual week in front of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission for the developers of a $1.1 million, 210-killowatt solar canopy project over the parking lots at Cronig’s Market in Vineyard Haven. Last Thursday commissioners wondered aloud why there wasn’t more opposition to the project, then on Monday the commission announced that it faced a possible conflict of interest and would likely delay a vote on the project.