A new private-public coalition announced this week will monitor the presence of cyanobacteria in the Edgartown, Chilmark and Tisbury Great Ponds this summer, including through maps and a special-purpose website.


In an ongoing battle with nature, dredging has begun again in Edgartown Great Pond as its salinity levels have hit a critical low.


A good crab year doesn’t have a negative impact on the great pond’s ecosystem - and this is definitely a good crab year.

More than half the nitrogen polluting Great Ponds along the south shore is coming from wastewater, a newly released report has found.


Wastewater discharge from urbanization to the north and east of Edgartown Great Pond has been identified as the primary source of increased nitrogen loading in the pond, according to a new study by a Woods Hole scientist.

A new private-public coalition announced this week will monitor the presence of cyanobacteria in the Edgartown, Chilmark and Tisbury Great Ponds this summer, including through maps and a special-purpose website.

The Edgartown Great Pond Foundation has worked with the Martha’s Vineyard Commission to produce a first-of-its-kind map of eelgrass in Slough Cove.
